We specialize in residential
engineering solutions.
DKM Engineering lays the groundwork for successful residential projects. We specialize in foundation design and inspection, renovations, egress windows, assessment of roof failures and building damage, geotechnical issues and more.
With more than 20 years experience in residential engineering, we've built a reputation for working closely with homeowners. We communicate and collaborate with you every step of the way, design through construction. Our services include:
Foundation inspections including repairs to concrete, block and wood
basements, including:-
Wall bracing
Concrete knee walls
Geotechnical inspections, including slope stability & soil testing
Foundation design for new homes, existing homes, home additions, garages, studios, shops and small commercial buildings:
Insulated concrete forms (ICF)
Preserved wood basements
Renovations including removal of load-bearing walls & teleposts
Egress window design & window enlargement
Tall wall design
Beam design
Roof repair and assessment for solar panel installation
Pile installation monitoring and testing
Insurance review: fire, flood, tornado, wind, snow, vehicle impact damage
Property condition assessment
Structural reviews for the purpose of real estate or mortgage transactions